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Selectmen's Minutes 4-23-13
Hanson Board of Selectmen
Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Hanson Town Hall
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Regular Meeting 5:30 P.M.

Members Present:        Stephen Amico, James Egan, Richard Flynn, Donald Howard and David  Soper
Members Absent: 
Others Present:         Town Administrator Rene’ J. Read and Executive Assistant Meredith Marini

I~      5:30 p.m.   Chairman Amico called the meeting to order.  

II      POLICE CHIEF INTERVIEWS  Chairman Amico reviewed the interview process which included an introduction, questions by the Board and a final statement by the candidates.

5:45 p.m.       Michael Miksch indicated that he grew up in East Bridgewater.  Married with one young son.  Has had a lot of experience at different venues.  He began in Carver in1995 became the first Dare officer in  2007 the became the Administrative Sergeant. He was hired as Chief 3 years ago.

Mr. Amico -    Why do you want to be Hanson’s next Police Chief?  Chief Miksch indicated that he is looking for new challenges.  Carver had its challenges and is now in good shape.  He came from area and feels it is a good fit.  

Mr. Egan -    What is the biggest challenge that you have faced in your current position? How did you address it?   He has had number of challenges in passed few years with personnel matters.  Chief Miksch sat down with Union representative and attorney and worked out a compromise for the good of the department.  He feels you need to treat employees fairly and in favor of consensus and working things out.  Political angles & issues of the job can be challenging in a small town.  Deals directly with the people involved.  

 Mr. Egan -     In your opinion, what can a police chief do to ensure that his/her officers maintain the highest ethical standards both on and off duty?  You must lead by example.  When you  catch employees doing things right the activity should be reinforced.  Most times people are not paying attention.  The officers should be responsible to other members of the department.  The chief must set the standards and live by them.  Other officers must report issues and problems and be backed by the department

Mr. Howard -  What do you consider to be your three greatest accomplishments?  Chief Miksch indicated graduation from college because his 8th grade teacher told him to get a trade.  He was the first in his family to receive a bachelors and & masters degree.  His attendance at  FBI academy.   Twenty one years in the guard and his 2 ½ year old son.  

Mr. Amico -    Please provide your perspective on the relationship between a chief of police and the governing authority.   Respect.  Make sure that the Board is not blindsided.  Don’t embarrass the Town and Department.  Good communication is key.  Daily checks in with Town Administrator and other Department. Heads.  Always remember the Board of Selectmen is his boss.  Team work

 Mr. Amico - Please describe your experience, if any, in the collective bargaining process.  Chief Miksch indicated that he has been on both sides of the table.  He pointed out that you have to be fair to the department.  You need that ability to work with the union and within the Town’s financial constraints.  

 Mr. Howard `- Please describe your experience, if any, with the budget process.   Chief Miksch indicated that he first worked with budget as DARE officer.  Started into it in 2007 estimated costs and building maintenance.  In 2010 he drafted the budget and made the presentation.  He worked with Town Administrator, Town Accountant and Finance Committee and keeps the Selectmen up to date on overtime, unanticipated expenses.  He works within the budget parameters.

Mr. Howard -    Identify your specific skills, abilities and experience that will aid you in becoming a successful chief of police in our town.  Working in a small town gives him the opportunity to work in all facets of the department.  He has done all the various jobs within the department.  He networks with all the chiefs in the county.  

Mr. Soper -     How do you implement change?  Chief Miksch acknowledged that change is scary.  Most officers don’t like change.  Good communication is important.  Explained why changing codes on calls pointing to the crime stats if a call is logged correctly.  He will need to review policies and procedures and regulations.  Change will required the cooperation of the department union and sergeants.

Mr. Egan -    If selected, what would you like to accomplish during your first year as our police chief?  Chief Miksch realizes there are issues in the department, so he would first address the problems.  He pointed out that Hanson has some good talented officers.  He will convey to them that they will be supported. Restore pride and morale.  He will work on certification and accreditation.  It is a standards and best practices in law enforcement.  Documentation is a key.    Make sure there is transparency.  Completion of Goals will depend what the department really needs upon his arrival.

Mr. Soper -   What steps would you take, if selected as our next chief to ensure that appropriate communication exists within the department?  Within the community?   Chief Miksch explained that the Chief needs to be approachable.  The public needs to know they can come to him.  Internally, he would be around the station and there for roll call etc.  He wants his officer to know he will be paying attention to them.  He has no problem receiving residents.  Communication is essential and likes to meet with people face to face.  Feedback is important.  

Mr. Howard -  What kinds of ideas or innovations have you introduced to your current department?  The Town was experiencing one break in per day.  Eleven different officers were working on breaks and they were not connected. Chief Miksch met with his investigators and set up teams of his members to work on investigation.  Traffic stops on the major roads.   Established software program for Pawn Dealers.  He feels it is important to give the officers the right tools.  

Mr. Soper -   What approach do you take to obtain acceptance of your ideas or vision?  Communication and consensus.  If you talk to people you can get a lot done.  Work it out.

 Mr. Egan -   What should be the relationship between the Police Chief and other department heads?  Chief Miksch feels the Chief must work closely with other departments.  In Carver he had a problem with police and EMS calls.  He met with the Fire Chief and worked it out.  He checks with DPW director on a weekly basis pointing out that they are the unsung heroes and have been a great help to the Police.  He met with all the department heads during the blizzard.  Cruiser went with plows to calls.  He considers the other department heads are his peers.

Mr. Flynn -    How do you feel about issuing law abiding citizens a license to carry a firearm?  Chief Miksch indicated that if residents  meet the statutory requirements they should get a license.  He has seen very few suitability issues.  

Mr. Flynn -    Explain your grant writing experience – Chief Miksch indicated that back when he was a patrolman, DARE, traffic enforcement he worked on grants.  COPS hiring grant hasn’t received it since 2008 indicating that most grants go to the cities.  However he does apply for grants.

Mr. Amico -   How effective was the search process.  Chief Miksch found the process interesting and challenging.  It was a new experience and a good process. He feels the town received some good candidates.  Feels it was a good investment for the Town.  He suggested the Board should used this type of process of other positions within the department.  

Chief Miksch thanked the Board for its consideration and acknowledged that the Board has a tough choice.  He would love the challenge of coming to Hanson and feels Hanson is a fit for him.  

6:30 p.m.       Jeffrey Silva – Gave a brief history and thanked the Board and the community for the opportunity and thanked the search committee.  He has twenty two years in New Bedford.  He took full time job as police cadet during school at Stonehill.  Community police officer in the school, background investigator, Sgt. And staff instructor.  Det. Sgt. Internal Affairs.  Narcotic  & Organized crime.  Lt. and public information officer.  Director of Police Academy.  Chief of Detectives.  Liaison on licensing Board. Commander of a platoon in down town New Bedford.  Graduated from Stonehill.  Recevied Masters Degree from Middlebury College and a Law Degree from Umass Dartmouth.  He attended the DEA & FBI academies.  Youth Coach at YMCA.  Housing Authority Treasurer

Mr. Amico -   Why do you want to be Hanson’s next Police Chief?  Mr. Silva is excited at the possibility.  He is aware of the recent events at the Department.  He feels Hanson is comparable to the divisions that he works with and is familiar with regional school districts.  Spent a lot of time in community policing to change the branding of the New Bedford image.  He can tell the community cares about the Town.

Mr. Egan -    What is the biggest challenge that you have faced in your current position? How did you address it?  Mr. Silva indicated that he hasn’t has a lot of challenges with the current position because he worked with the people prior to his arrival.  In previous position a personnel issue with one of his mentors and he had to investigate.  The matter was sent to District Attorney’s office.

Mr. Egan -   In your opinion, what can a police chief do to ensure that his/her officers maintain the highest ethical standards both on and off duty?  Mr. Silva feels integrity starts with the chief.  He must walk the walk.  Important training program component.  He feels training should be done on an annual bases.  He would need to go through all the policies and procedures.  They need to be updated.  He wold need to check that the officers are doing what the policies require.  

Mr. Howard -   What do you consider to be your three greatest accomplishments?   Ability to engage the community.  He has made significant strides with the kids of the community.  In his role as public information officer, he has  effected the rebranding of the police department. He was the spokes person of the dept.  When he became Chief of Detectives he got the divisions to work together.  Firearms licensing had been a delay by months and now it is much shorter.

Mr. Amico -  Please provide your perspective on the relationship between a chief of police and the governing authority.  Mr. Silva indicated that it is extremely important and critical that the Chief have a strong relationship with the Board.

Mr. Amico -   Please describe your experience, if any, in the collective bargaining process.  Mr. Silva indicated that he has a fair amount of experience with the bargaining process.  While a patrolman he served on the bargaining unit and internal affairs representative for other members.   He had to manage two different collective bargaining units for detectives and civilian.  Now he has the animal control officers.  Has a good grasp on negotiations as an attorney.

Mr. Howard -     Please describe your experience, if any, with the budget process.   Mr. Silva started with the budget early in his career, explaining that he use of federal grant money for various divisions.  Sgt. Internal affairs required internal auditing.  He worked with the grant writer.  He had formalized training at the FBI academy.

Mr. Howard -     Identify your specific skills, abilities and experience that will aid you n becoming a successful chief of police in our town.  Mr. Silva feels he is an effective communicator which is an extremely important trait.  He feels you need to listen to the people you serve and he is a good listener.

Mr. Soper      How do you implement change?   Mr. Silva indicated that change is something that must happen slowly and methodically.  It should be a collaborative effort for all areas of town.  

Mr. Egan -   If selected, what would you like to accomplish during your first year as our police chief?  Mr. Silva indicated that time tables are tricky.  He would want to get to know men and women of the police department.  He feels there is a group of dedicated officers.  He would then meet the town.  It is a team effort.  He would review policies and procedures of the department.  Start with high risk policies first then move onto the others.  He would like to change the way the police department does business.  He wants the officers to be a service oriented department.

Mr. Soper What steps would you take, if selected as our next chief to ensure that appropriate communication exists within the department?  Within the community?  He started a website for the police.  Communication via the internet is a must have.  The site should match the activity of the police department.  He would establish a partnership with the media.  He would advance the good things the officers do.  Write a column for the Whitman Hanson Express. He would go to other committee meetings.  

Mr. Howard -   What kinds of ideas or innovations have you introduced to your current department?  Mr. Silva explained that the training budgets have been cut.  He identified areas of common mistakes and instituted an e-mail training each week.  He addressed common areas of misconception.  
Mr. Soper -   What approach do you take to obtain acceptance of your ideas or vision?   Mr. Silva would implement change by consensus and inclusion of all the members of the department.

Mr. Egan -   What should be the relationship between the Police Chief and other department heads?  Mr. Silva feels there should be a strong relationship with other departments.  Safety issue so all the departments must be at the table together and include training.  The school dept. must be included in the group.  He feels it is important that everyone knows one another.

Mr. Flynn -    How do you feel about issuing law abiding citizens a license to carry a firearm? Mr. Silva indicated that it is an obligation and the Chief must enforce the law without passion or prejudice.  The Police Chief is the issuer of the license.

Mr. Flynn   Grant writing experience – Mr. Silva indicated that he has never written a grant, because they have their own grant writing.  The grant writing doesn’t have the expertise in the department.  So he would work with the grant writer to fit the requests in the criteria of the grant.  

Mr. Amico  -  How effective to you feel the search process was?  Mr. Silva indicated that it was  a comprehensive process, very effective, and challenging.

Mr. Silva thanked the Board for the opportunity. He feels it is an honor to be considered. He left with Board with his view of Hanson - HANSON H - Have integrity;  A - ask questions;  N - new day.  Every office must recommit themselves to the community; S – slow to change, speed to respond.  O -  one with the community;  N - now lots of patience and to make things

Appointment of Police Chief – Chairman Amico feels the Board has two very qualified and well versed candidates.   Mr. Howard feel there were two equal candidates.

MOTION by Flynn to appoint Chief Miksch.  No second heard

MOTION by Egan, second by Howard to appoint Jeffrey Silva as the next Chief for discussion  David saw that Mr. Silva talked about leading the community.  Each answer involved including the community.  Mr. Egan felt Mr. Silva was extremely articulate and impressive.  The Search Committee recommended him as well.  After reading the resumes, Steve had made up his mind prior to the meeting.  However, he changed his mind during the interviews.  Voted  5 – 0

7:20 Brief Recess

7:40 p.m. Back in session

Chairman Amico announced that the Board voted to appoint Jeffrey Silva.  Mr. Silva has been notified and will meet with Mr. Read shortly.  Chairman Amico thanked the Search Committee for their work.

Chairman Amico led the Pledge Allegiance, read the announcements and upcoming meeting schedule.

III     PREVIEW OF TOWN MEETING - The Board conducted a run through of Town Meeting.  Town Moderator Sean Kealy, Town Clerk Elizabeth Sloan, Town Counsel Jeffrey Blake and several department heads and committee members were in attendance to present their articles.  Each article was moved by the proponents in preparation of Town Meeting.  Following the run through a brief reception was held for Mr. Read who last day will be Town Meeting.

8:50 p.m. brief recess

9:05 p.m. back in session

IV      TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTMr. Read reported that Abington Rockland Water Works crews will be working in Hanson starting April 24th - Mr. Read reported that Dan Callahan of Abington Rockland Water Works delivered dated April 22, 2013 to Hanson residents notifying them of they will begin maintenance of the water main this is installed in the water easements along West Washington Street, Spring Street Alden Way and Liberty Streets.  The letter informs the residents that crews will be in the wood in their neighborhoods.
Recommendation pertaining to award of Needles Lodge roofing project – Mr. Read reviewed his memo dated April 23, 2013 regarding  roof project indicating that nine bids were received in response to the request for proposal. After careful review of the bids, Mr. Read recommended Plan B Construction company of  Barrington RI in the amount of $42,000.  Plan B Construction was the fifty lowest bidder.  Mr. Read explained that the four lower bidders did not provide the proper wage rates and could not do the job for the bid amount.

MOTION by Howard, second by Soper to approve Plan B Construction.  Mr. Flynn asked who will be overseeing the construction.  Mr. Read indicated that Dave Blauss will be overseeing the project.  
Voted  5 - 0

Hanson Rod & Gun Club request Annual Fishing Derby – An e-mail request from Bob Sullivan of Hanson Rod & Gun Club for its annual Fishing Derby on Sunday, June 2nd  from 7 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

MOTION by  Soper , second by Egan to approve the Hanson Rod & Gun Club Fishing Derby on Sunday, June 2nd.  Voted  5 - 0

Mr. Read informed that Board that in their packets there is an invitation to the annual  DARE Graduation which will be held  Thursday, June 6th  7:00 p.m. Hanson Middle.  Chairman Amico indicated that he would speak  Mr. Soper indicated that he would be attending.

Mr. Read thanked the Board and enjoyed working with them and appreciated their support over the last three and half years.  He thanked the Department Heads and staff.  Mr. Soper thanked Mr. Read acknowledging that he has left Hanson in a better place than when he arrived.

Appoint Interim Town Administrator effective May 13th

MOTION by Egan, second Flynn to appoint Meredith Marini as interim town administrator effective May 13th.  Voted  5 - 0
Requests:  Plymouth County Extension Service – Request to use Town Hall Green for 4-H Club
yard sale Sat., May 11th with rain date Sat. May 18th

MOTION by Howard, second by Flynn to approve the Plymouth County Extension Service Yard Sale on Saturday, May 11, 2013.  Voted  5 - 0
VI      COMMITTEE REPORTS - Town Administrator Search – Mr. Egan indicated that interviews of 12 candidates have been scheduled on May 8, 9th and 10th.  Maquan School Building – Mr. Amico indicated that he had nothing to report

Chairman Amico indicated that the Board would be going into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating and bargaining position of the Town and to discuss strategy with respect to contract negotiations with non-union personnel.  He indicated that the Board would return to open session only to adjourn.

So moved by Howard, second by Egan to go into executive Session Roll Call Flynn Aye, Howard Aye, Amico Aye,  Egan Aye and Soper Aye.  Voted 5 – 0.

9:12 p.m.   Brief Recess

9:50 p.m. Returned to open session.


MOTION by Howard, second by Egan to adjourn.  Voted 5 – 0.

9:51 p.m.  Meeting Adjourned

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Meredith Marini,
                                                Executive Assistant
                                        Approved and Voted 5 – 0
                                        October 1, 2013
